Andy Aw Bo Yang - Project Portfolio Page


Hospital Administrative Management System (HAMS) is a CLI-based medical facility administration system that is used for maintaining medical records. It is written in Java

Summary of Contributions

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are some sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

This document serves as a user guide for HAMS. It teaches the user how to install HAMS, describes the features of HAMS, explains how HAMS can be used and finally answer some frequently asked questions about HAMS.

  1. In Command Prompt, change your current working directory to the folder containing the .jar using $ cd <Path of folder containing .jar>

This command exits the HAMS program and saves the current Patient/Appointment data into separate local save files (in /saves/appointments.txt and /saves/patients.txt respectively. Also, the patient id state will also be saved in /saves/patientId.txt). These files will be loaded to the program when it is run again subsequently.

Q: Why does my patient list does not display any value in the age field?

A: The age supplied might not be in the correct format (eg age given is a negative number or as a string).

My contribution are mostly fixes in typos and aesthetics (such as adding a back to top link). This is because the user guide for HAMS is actually my DUKE ip’s user guide only slightly modified to fit HAMS. In a sense I technically created the user guide while my teammates modified it to fit HAMS.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Provided below are some sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They demonstrate my ability to communicate my technical contributions to the project and rationale for technical implementation.

2.2.4 A&D command module AddPatientCommand Class

Below shows the sequence diagram for AddPatientCommand class AddAppointmentCommand Class

Below shows the sequence diagram for AddAppointmentCommand class: ListPatientCommand Class

Below shows the sequence diagram for ListPatientCommand class ListAppointmentCommand Class Aspect: Facade classes Aspect: Autosaving or no Aspect: Generation of Patient Id Aspect: Deciding how to reuse Patient Id