Nguyen Thanh Duc - Project Portfolio Page

PROJECT: Hospital Administrative Management System v2.0


Hospital Administrative Management System - HAMS is a CLI-based medical facility administration system that assists in the maintenance of various medical records.

HAMS is designed for administrative assistants in medical facilities, like hospitals or polyclinics, that prefer using CLI to keep track of various medical records and can type fast.

Summary of Contributions

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

6. FAQ

Q: Why when I try to delete a patient in the list, some appointments are being deleted also?

A: Because once you delete a patient, all the appointments related to him/her (through an attribute called pid) are deleted also. Only when there are no appointments related to the patients, they are not deleted.

Q: Why when I try to clear all the patients in the patient list, the appointments are cleared also?

A: The reason is that there is a dependency of appointments on patients. Each patient can be assigned to multiple appointments through pid. Like mentioned in the previous question, you can realize that once we clear all the patients, the presence of such appointments are no longer valid (All appointments belong to all patients). Hence, they are cleared also.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. EditAppointmentClass

To edit an appointment, the EditAppointmentCommand class is used. For this EditAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The EditAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the EditAppointmentCommand class would call upon the Appointment class to make an Appointment Object.

  3. After which, the EditAppoinmentCommand object will call upon the AppointmentList object to get the record of the record of the appointment based on the index with getAppointmentRecord .

  4. After that, EditAppoinmentCommand will call the setAppointmentInfo method from ```Patient`` to update the appointment.

  5. The AppointmentList will be updated with the newly updated appointment.

  6. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppoinmentList() function to save the updated appointment list.

  7. Upon successfully editing the Appointment object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showUpdateAppointmentSuccess() function to display the success of adding the appointment in the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for EditAppointmentCommand class. EditPatientCommand CLass

To edit an appointment, the EditPatientCommand class is used. For this EditPatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Patient, PatientList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The EditPatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the EditPatientCommand class would call upon the Patient class to make a Patient Object.

  3. After which, the EditPatientCommand object will call upon the PatientList object to get the record of the record of the patient based on the index with getPatientRecord .

  4. After that, EditPatientCommand will call the setPatientInfo method from ```Patient`` to update the patient.

  5. The AppointmentList will be updated with the newly updated patient.

  6. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s savePatienttList() function to save the updated patient list.

  7. Upon successfully editing the Patient object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showUpdatePatientSuccess() function to display the success of adding the patient in the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for EditPatientCommand class. DeleteAppointmentCommand Class

To delete an appointment, the DeleteAppointmentCommand class is used. For this DeleteAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The DeleteAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the DeleteAppointmentCommand class would call upon the Appointment class to make an Appointment Object.

  3. After which, the DeleteAppoinmentCommand object will call upon the AppointmentList object to get the appointment list with getAppointmentList() and remove the appointment record with given index from getAppointmentRecord()

  4. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppoinmentList() function to save the updated appointment list.

  5. Upon successfully deleting the Appointment object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showDeleteAppointmentSuccess() function to display the success of deleting the appointmentfrom the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for DeleteAppointmentCommand class. DeletePatientCommand Class

To delete an appointment, the DeletePatientCommand class is used. For this DeletePatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The DeletePatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the DeletePatientCommand class would call upon the Patient class to make a Patient Object.

  3. After which, the DeletePatientCommand object will call upon the PatientList object to get the patient list with getPatientList() and remove the patient record with given index from getPatientRecord()

  4. Then it will go through all the items in AppointmentList with the patientId of the patient that has been deleted

  5. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s savePatientList() function to save the updated patient list.

  6. Upon successfully deleting the Patient object from the patient list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showDeletePatientSuccess() function to display the success of deleting the patientfrom the patient list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for DeletePatientCommand class. ClearAllCommand Class

To clear both appointment list and patient list, the ClearAllCommand class is used. For this ClearAllCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, PatientList, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The ClearAllCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the ClearAllCommand class would call upon the PatientList and AppointmentList to clear all the items in both lists

  3. It will call upon the Storage class’s savePatientList() and saveAppointmentList()function to save the updated patient list and appointment list.

  4. Upon successfully clearing all the lists, it will call upon the Ui class’ showAllItemsDeleted() function to display the success of clearing all the items.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ClearAllCommand class. ClearAppointmentCommand Class

To clear appointment list, the ClearAppointmentCommand class is used. For this ClearAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The ClearAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the ClearAppointmentCommand class would call upon the AppointmentList to clear the items in appointment list.

  3. It will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppointmentList()function to save the updated appointment list.

  4. Upon successfully clearing the list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showAppointmentsDeleted() function to display the success of clearing all the items in appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ClearAppointmentCommand class. ClearPatientCommand Class

To clear patient list, the ClearPatientCommand class is used. For this ClearPatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, PatientList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The ClearPatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the ClearPatientCommand class would call upon the PatientList to clear the items in patient list.

  3. It will call upon the Storage class’s savePatientList()function to save the updated patient list.

  4. Upon successfully clearing the list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showPatientsDeleted() function to display the success of clearing all the items in patient list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ClearPatientCommand class. HelpCommand

To see the help usage for the commands in HAMS, the HelpCommand class is used. For this HelpCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Ui class to interact. The purpose of the class is to print out the usage for all the commands in HAMS through showHelpUsage() in Ui.

Below shows the sequence diagram for HelpCommand class. ExitCommand

To print the bye message for HAMS, the HelpCommand class is used. For this ClearPatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Ui class to interact.

  1. The Main class will check whether isExit() is set to be true or not.

  2. Ui class’ showByeMessage() method is used to print the bye message for users.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ExitCommand class.