Samantha Goh - Project Portfolio Page


Hospital Administrative Management System (HAMS) is a CLI-based medical facility administration system that is used for maintaining medical records. It is written in Java.

Summary of Contributions

Contributions to the User Guide

Provided below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. I took charge of editing the presentation using markdown features like tables and bulleting in the first version for submission.

6. FAQ

Q: Would my details be captured if I randomize the input order of the keywords?

A: Yes. The system is keyword-sensitive. Regardless of the order given, it stores the information within each command used respectively. Both examples provided above would result in the same information stored.

Q: Why does my patient list does not display any value in the age field?

A: The age supplied might not be in the correct format (eg age given is a negative number or as a string).

Q: Why am I not able to find anything using finda or findp?

A: Please note that all search values are case-sensitive. For example, Sam will not match with sam because of the first letter capitalization.

Q: What is pid for in the command adda?

A: pid stands for Patient ID, it is a unique ID tag to each patient. In order to link appointments to the patient, the pid tag must be present.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Provided below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They demonstrate my ability to communicate my technical contributions to the project and rationale for technical implementation.

1.2.2. Value Proposition

We are focused on providing a user-friendly application for front-desk administrative support assistants to quickly create, edit and delete patients’ information and appointments.

Stakeholders Value
Patients Accelerated waiting process
Front-desk administrative staff Improved organisation in patient and appointment details. Potential automated notification processes

2.2.1 Record module

The record module consists of 2 classes which represent the patients information and appointment details. As a reflection of real world objects, the Patient’s class purpose is to store the particulars of a person while the Appointment’s class is to store the date-time data. Thus, the rationale of both classes can be grouped as follows:

As a reflection of real world entities, to create, store, and retrieve relevant information about the object.

Following the above purpose, both classes consist of only getter and setter methods. This would ensure a contiguous flow in logical executions as these methods can be called whenever necessary. Process of Object Creation

Due to the nature of the above classes containing only getter and setter methods, following how the components interact with each other would provide more accuracy in understanding how these classes are called and the role of its methods. To illustrate, the below example is used:

Upon startup, objects from ui, parser and storage are created. Prompted for user input, Duke receives the “editp” command which is forwarded to the parser to be interpreted respectively. Once the EditPatientCommand object is created, it retrieves the patient index to edit the existing patient information from the patientList. The Patient class is called by its setter method, setPatientInfo(), to update the fields as provided by the user. This ensures that the encapsulated variables such as age, name, contact number and address are not only enforced but also protected. Design Considerations
Aspect: Data Type for Appointment’s Date and Time

2.2.2 Converter Module

The converter module consists of one class which converts the format of date and time using a custom format defined by special formatting characters (ie. SimpleDateFormat). This class is primarily used to format a user-input date and time in the Appointment class. As illustrated below, its methods are called during the creation of the Appointment object constructor.