Developer Guide

Table of content

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

This document specifies the architecture and software designs for Hospital Administrative Management System (HAMS).

1.2. Product Scope

1.2.1. Target User Profile

The intended audience of this documentation are the developers, designers, software testers, operators and maintenance engineers. The below table summarizes the purposes of reading for each audience.

Role Purpose
Developers & Designers To understand the architecture and follow the design to build the system
Software testers To understand the internals of the system so as to test more effectively
Operators To improve productivity while using the system on a daily basis
Maintenance Engineers To understand how the system was built in order to perform enhancement or re-engineering work

1.2.2. Value Proposition

We are focused on providing a user-friendly application for front-desk administrative support assistants to quickly create, edit and delete patients’ information and appointments.

Stakeholders Value
Patients Accelerated waiting process
Front-desk administrative staff Improved organisation in patient and appointment details. Potential automated notification processes
Clinics and hospitals Reduce occurrences of missed appointments, thus allowing reduced time and money wastage

1.3. Definitions

|Term|Description| |—-|———–| fields|Fields refer to what are the accepted formats the Parse will search for in the User Input.

For example: addp \name Justin \age 23 \address Pasir Ris

The fields in the above command will be \age, \address and \name.

View the full list of fields here or on our User Guide here | field-values| This refers to the value that exists after a field.

For example: addp \name Justin \age 23 \address Pasir Ris

The fields in the above command will be \age, \address and \name and its corresponding value will be 23, Pasir Ris, Justin.

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2. Design & Implementation

2.1 Project overview

HAMS is built using java. Under java’s write once run anywhere, HAMS can be built on any platform including Windows, MAC-OS and Linux. When running locally on these system, HAMS uses as custom save configuration called BRillant Ahead of its time Neat Dainty OrigiNal (BRANDON) for loading and saving data. This allows HAMS’ internal list to be modified by operators before and during run time.

2.2 Module Overview

The major code can be broken down into modules. The below table is the breakdown of the module’s custom name and a summarized purpose.


Module name Purpose
Records Contains and provides access to user information
Converter Formats user input
Storage Saves existing Records to local file/loads save file data to HAMS
Commands Facade classes that deals with input so that different classes can interact with each other
Parser Parses the user input for command execution

2.2.1 Record module

The record module consists of 2 classes which represent the patients information and appointment details. As a reflection of real world objects, the Patient’s class purpose is to store the particulars of a person while the Appointment’s class is to store the date-time data. Thus, the rationale of both classes can be grouped as follows:

As a reflection of real world entities, to create, store, and retrieve relevant information about the object.

Following the above purpose, both classes consist of only getter and setter methods. This would ensure a contiguous flow in logical executions as these methods can be called whenever necessary. Process of Object Creation

Due to the nature of the above classes containing only getter and setter methods, following how the components interact with each other would provide more accuracy in understanding how these classes are called and the role of its methods. To illustrate, the below example is used:

Upon startup, objects from ui, parser and storage are created. Prompted for user input, Duke receives the “editp” command which is forwarded to the parser to be interpreted respectively. Once the EditPatientCommand object is created, it retrieves the patient index to edit the existing patient information from the patientList. The Patient class is called by its setter method, setPatientInfo(), to update the fields as provided by the user. This ensures that the encapsulated variables such as age, name, contact number and address are not only enforced but also protected. Design Considerations
Aspect: Data Type for Appointment’s Date and Time

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2.2.2 Converter Module

The converter module consists of one class which converts the format of date and time using a custom format defined by special formatting characters (ie. SimpleDateFormat). This class is primarily used to format a user-input date and time in the Appointment class. As illustrated below, its methods are called during the creation of the Appointment object constructor.

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2.2.3 Storage module

The Storage module consists of 3 different classes. The PatientList and AppointmentList classes act as data structures to store the records of Patient and Appointment objects respectively. They function as ADTs, where various commands from Command objects can manipulate the records within.

The Storage class manages the load and save operations involving the PatientList and PatientList class. These operations are usually invoked on startup, whenever changes are made to the ADTs and before exiting the program. Additionally, it also works with PatientIdManager class to load pre-existing Patient-PatientId mappings. The class diagram for the storage module is as seen below: Process of Object Creation

On startup, Duke invokes the loadSavedAppointment() and loadSavedPatient() methods in Storage. This allows the program to retrieve previously stored data from a .txt file and convert it into the static AppointmentList and PatientList objects for use within the program.

For Appointments, the Storage object creates a Scanner object that will parse individual lines in the .txt file, convert them into new Appointments, and then add them to an ArrayList of Appointments called appointmentListToReturn. This appointmentListToReturn will be passed back to Duke to construct the static AppointmentList.

For Patients, the process is the same as above. The difference is that lines in the .txt files are converted to Patient objects instead. They are added to an ArrayList of Patients called patientListToReturn. patientListToReturn is then passed back to Duke to construct the static PatientList.

The sequence diagrams for both loadSavedAppointment() and loadSavedPatient() are shown below:

When the static AppointmentList or PatientList has changes, or the program is exiting, saveAppointmentList() or savePatientList() is invoked respectively. This allows the Storage object to back up existing records to a local .txt file.

For Appointments, the Storage object will create a FileWriter object called fwAppointmentSave. The command will then iterate through the existing AppointmentList and parse each Appointment within, converting it to a string. fwAppointmentSave then writes this string to the .txt file appointments.txt.

For Patients, the process is the same as above. The difference is that Storage object creates a FileWriter object called fwPatientSave instead. fwPatientSave writes Patient strings to the file patients.txt.

The sequence diagram for saveAppointmentList() and savePatientList() is shown below:

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2.2.4 Command module

The command module consist of 11 different classes, where each class does a different command by itself. These classes allows the patients and appointments to be added into HAMS, allows the updating of patient and appointment details, allows the admin to delete patients and appointment information and allows of listing of the different patients and the appointments in HAMS. In addition, the classes also deals with displaying the list of commands and as well as to allowing HAMS to exit.

All of these command classes inherits from the abstract Command class. Likewise, the execute function of each command class is also inherited from the abstract Command class’s execute(Ui ui, Storage storage) function too. Every command class (other than the ExitCommand and HelpCommand) are actually façade classes that creates the connection from the Main class to the other classes required such as Storage class, PatientList class and the Appointment class to name a few. AddPatientCommand Class

To add a patient, the AddPatientCommand class is used. For this AddPatientCommand class, it serves as the façade class for the Main, Patient , PatientList and the Storage class to interact with one another. Also, to uniquely identify a patient, an unique patientId number is assigned to each patient when they are first added into the patient list.

Note that if the patient information given is incorrect due to formatting or value error, AddPatientCommand will return an exception and AddPatientCommand will not create a patient record.

  1. The AddPatientCommand class object will first be created by the Parser object, where the information regarding the patient to be added will be stored in a Map, where the AddPatientCommand class object would read the Map content and store the information about the patient in said AddPatientCommand class object. It will also check for the format of the information given in the Map and see if the information is valid. If the information is not valid, the AddPatientCommand object will not be created. For the patient Id number, it will call upon the static class patientIdManager to get its unique patient id number. This unique Id number will be used later in the Patient object creation too.

  2. When the execute(Ui ui, Storage storage) command is called, the AddPatientCommand would first make use of the Patient class constructor to create a new Patient object based on the information stored back in step 1.

  3. After which, it would then call the PatientList’s getPatientList() command to get the List patient list object such that the Patient object created beforehand can directly be inserted into the patient list.

  4. After adding the patient into the patient list object, the Storage’s savePatientList() function will be called next so that the newly update list of patient is saved as offline data.

  5. When the above operation is successful, it will call upon the Ui class’ showPatientAddSuccess() function to display the success of adding the Patient object into the patient list.

If the supplied patient age is a word or is missing, the age will be set to -1. This value is chosen to indicate that there isn’t a valid age set. Thus, when displaying the age, if -1 is encountered, show age as an empty string instead.

Below shows the sequence diagram for AddPatientCommand class AddAppointmentCommand Class

To add an appointment, the AddAppointmentCommand class is used. For this AddAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a façade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList and the Storage class to interact with one another.

Note that if the appointment information given is incorrect due to formatting or value error, AddAppointmentCommand will return an exception and AddAppointmentCommand will not create an appointment record.

  1. Like the AddPatientCommand class, the AddAppointmentCommand object is first created by the Parser object, where the information of the appointment is again stored in a Map that the AddAppoinmentCommand object would read from. Said information will be stored in the AddAppoinmentCommand object. It will also check for the format of the information given in the Map and see if the information is valid. If the information is not valid, the AddAppoinmentCommand object will not be created.

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the AddAppointmentCommand class would call upon the Appointment class to make an Appointment Object. Note that in the the constructor of AddAppointment it also checks to see if the patient id is a patient id that actually exist (as in a patient has that patient id ). This check is done by calling the checkPatientIdUsed method of PatientIdManager class. If the patient id supplied with the appointment detail does not belong to any of the present patients, the AddAppointmentCommand constructor will not create the Appointment and will show an error instead. The Appointment object will only be created if the patient id that is supplied exists (as in one of the patient has said patient id).

  3. After which, the AddAppoinmentCommand object will call upon the AppointmentList object to obtain the list of Appointments (get the List object that represents the list of appointments by AppointmentList’s getAppointmentList() command) so that it can directly add the new Appointment object into the appointment list.

  4. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppoinmentList() function to save the updated appointment list.

  5. Upon successfully adding the Appointment object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showAppointmentAddSuccess() function to display the success of adding the appointment into the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for AddAppointmentCommand class: ListPatientCommand Class

To display the list of patients, the ListPatientCommand class is called. This class serves as a façade class of Main and Ui to interact with each other.

  1. This class’ object is first created by the Parser class, where it is then returned to the Main class to have its execute(Ui ui, Storage storage) function be called.

  2. When the Main class calls the execute(Ui ui, Storage storage) function, ListPatientCommand will call upon the Ui’s showEntirePatientList() function to display the list of patients.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ListPatientCommand class ListAppointmentCommand Class

To display the list of appointments, the ListAppointmentCommand class is called. This class serves as a façade class of Main and Ui to interact with each other.

  1. This class’ object is first created by the Parser class, where it is then returned to the Main class to have its execute(Ui ui, Storage storage) function be called.

  2. When the Main class calls the execute(Ui ui, Storage storage) function, ListAppointmentCommand will call upon the Ui’s showEntireAppointmentList() function to display the list of appointments.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ListAppointmentCommand class PatientIdManger Class

The PatientIdManager class manages the patient ids. It helps to generate unique patient ids for each new patient. The patient id chosen can either be a new number or a patient id number that is reused from a deleted patient. By reusing the patient id number from deleted patients, it allows us to have more patient id to use before the patient id number runs out.

Not only that, it ia also able to check if a patient id exist (as in is there any patients with a specific patient id). This is useful because it prevents the user from adding a new appointment for a non-existing patient.

Other than the getter and the setter methods, the most important methods in PatientIdManager are getNextPatientId(), addBackPatientId(), checkPatientIdUsed() and clearPatientId()

For checkPatientIdUsed(), its purpose is to see if a patient Id is a currently used patient id (as in there is a patient currently that has this patient id). It achieves this using a hash table called patientIdMap, where the key is the patient id number and its value is either null (this patient id has not been used) or 1 (this patient id has been used ). Whenever an appointment is added into HAMS, HAMS needs to ensure that the appointment’s patient id corresponds to an actual patient in HAMS. This method helps by checking if the patient id supplied in the appointment entry belongs to an actual patient by checking the key-value pair in the patientIdMap and see if the patient id’s value is 1 in said map

To summarize checkPatientIdUsed()

  1. Get the patient id to check.

  2. Let the patient id be the key. See the patient id’s value in the patientIdMap hash table. If it is 1 , return true (patient currently exist), else return false.

checkPatientIdUsed() is used by the addAppointmentCommand class when adding an appointment to check if the patient id supplied belongs to a real patient currently in HAMS.

For addBackPatientId(), its purpose is to save the patient id of deleted patients by storing them in the reusable patient id queue nextNumberQueueThing. This will be useful for the getNextPatientId() method to get a patient id from a deleted patient. We also need to update the patientIdMap to reflect the changes made.

To summarize addBackPatientId()

  1. Get the deleted patient id.

  2. Check to see if the patient id is a valid id. A valid patient id is an id that does not exist in the reusable patient id queue and its value cannot be below 0 and (equal and above) nextTopNewNumber.

  3. If the patient id is a valid id, then add it in the reusable patient id queue. Else, ignore it.

  4. Once it is deleted, update the patientIdMap map to reflect that the patient id now do not belong to any patient currently (set the corresponding value to null in the map).

addBackPatientId() is used by the deletePatientClass when deleting a patient to store the deleted patient id number.

For getNextPatientId(), its purpose is to supply a new patient id for a patient, be it a newly created id or an id from a deleted patient (reusing id). This is achieved with a combination of a queue (called the nextNumberQueueThing) that serves to store the list of patient ids from deleted patients and an integer that serves to represent the next highest number to use if there are no patient ids that can be reused.

To elaborate, whenever a patient is deleted, we want to store its patient id somewhere since it can be reused for a new patient (as it will still retain the uniqueness property of the patient id). Hence, a way to store those deleted patient’s patient id is to store them in a queue such that we can call upon the queue for any reusable patient ids . We use a queue because inserting and popping elements in a queue is O(1) time, which makes it fast. If there are no elements in the queue (as in we have used up all or there isn’t any reusable patient id present), then there exist another integer (called nextTopNewNumber) that represents a new patient id that has not been used by any patient before. The value of nextTopNewNumber will be used for the patient id number if the queue is empty. After which, the nextTopNewNumber value get added by 1.

For example, when we just started HAMS and there has not been any deletion of patient thus far, the reusable patient id queue is empty. By default, nextTopNewNumber starts from 0. If we were to add 3 patients, then the first patient will get patient id 0 (which is the value of nextTopNewNumber) currently (we use the value of nextTopNewNumber if there isn’t any elements present in the resusable patient id queue), while the second patient gets the value of current nextTopNewNumber (which is 0) + 1, making patient number 2 has patient id 1 and so on and so forth. The third patient will get patient id number 2. However, lets say we deleted patient number 2 and added a new patient (patient number 4, then patient number 2’s patient id (patient id 1) will be stored in the queue. For the new patient added (patient number 4), instead of using the current nextTopNewNumber (which is 2), we will use the patient number present in the queue, which is 1. Thus, patient number 4 has the patient id of 1.

Finaly, once we chosen a number, we need to update patientIdMap map to reflect that there is now a new patient id that is used by a patient

One property of nextTopNewNumber is that all patient id numbers in the queue should be lesser than nextTopNewNumber (nextTopNewNumber serves as the current upper-bound of the possible patient id). There will never exist a reusable patient id number (or any patient id number for that matter) that is bigger than nextTopNewNumber.

To summarize getNextPatientId()

  1. Check if the reusable patient id queue is empty

  2. If it is not empty, we take a patient id from the queue.

  3. On the other hand, if it is empty, we use the value of nextTopNewNumber for the patient id. We then increase the value of nextTopNewNumber by 1.

  4. Once we decided on which patient id to use, update the patientIdMap map to reflect that the patient id now belongs to a patient (set the corresponding value in the map to 1).

getNextPatientId() is used by the addPatientCommandClass when adding a patient to get a unique patient id for the new patient.

Lastly, for clearPatientId(), it resets the value of nextTopNewNumber, clears the reusable patient id queue nextNumberQueueThing and finally clears the hash table patientIdMap. This method serves to reset the patientIdManager back to its default state.

clearPatientId() is used by both ClearPatientCommand and ClearAllCommand class to reset the patientIdManager state since both commands clears all the current patients in HAMS, which meant that all the patient id in HAMS must be reset as there are no patients left. Design considerations for to

For the 5 classes listed, there were some other design considerations that was discussed for these 5 classes. Here , we will discuss the other choices and the pros and cons for them. Aspect: Facade classes Aspect: Autosaving or no Aspect: Generation of Patient Id Aspect: Deciding how to reuse Patient Id

Back to top ↑ EditAppointmentCommand Class

To edit an appointment, the EditAppointmentCommand class is used. For this EditAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

Note that if the appointment information given is incorrect due to formatting or value error, EditAppointmentCommand will return an exception and EditAppointmentCommand will not update the appointment record.

  1. The EditAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the EditAppointmentCommand class would call upon the Appointment class to make an Appointment Object. It will also check the information given for the appointment and see if the information is valid.

  3. After which, the EditAppoinmentCommand object will call upon the AppointmentList object to get the record of the record of the appointment based on the index with getAppointmentRecord .

  4. After that, EditAppoinmentCommand will call the setAppointmentInfo method from ```Patient`` to update the appointment.

  5. The AppointmentList will be updated with the newly updated appointment.

  6. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppoinmentList() function to save the updated appointment list.

  7. Upon successfully editing the Appointment object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showUpdateAppointmentSuccess() function to display the success of adding the appointment in the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for EditAppointmentCommand class. EditPatientCommand Class

To edit an appointment, the EditPatientCommand class is used. For this EditPatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Patient, PatientList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

Note that if the patient information given is incorrect due to formatting or value error, EditPatientCommand will return an exception and EditPatientCommand will not update the patient record.

  1. The EditPatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the EditPatientCommand class would call upon the Patient class to make a Patient Object. It will also check the information given for the patient and see if the information is valid.

  3. After which, the EditPatientCommand object will call upon the PatientList object to get the record of the record of the patient based on the index with getPatientRecord .

  4. After that, EditPatientCommand will call the setPatientInfo method from ```Patient`` to update the patient.

  5. The AppointmentList will be updated with the newly updated patient.

  6. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s savePatienttList() function to save the updated patient list.

  7. Upon successfully editing the Patient object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showUpdatePatientSuccess() function to display the success of adding the patient in the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for EditPatientCommand class. DeleteAppointmentCommand Class

To delete an appointment, the DeleteAppointmentCommand class is used. For this DeleteAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The DeleteAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the DeleteAppointmentCommand class would call upon the Appointment class to make an Appointment Object.

  3. After which, the DeleteAppoinmentCommand object will call upon the AppointmentList object to get the appointment list with getAppointmentList() and remove the appointment record with given index from getAppointmentRecord()

  4. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppoinmentList() function to save the updated appointment list.

  5. Upon successfully deleting the Appointment object into the appointment list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showDeleteAppointmentSuccess() function to display the success of deleting the appointmentfrom the appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for DeleteAppointmentCommand class. DeletePatientCommand Class

To delete an appointment, the DeletePatientCommand class is used. For this DeletePatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Appointment, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The DeletePatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the DeletePatientCommand class would call upon the Patient class to make a Patient Object.

  3. After which, the DeletePatientCommand object will call upon the PatientList object to get the patient list with getPatientList() and remove the patient record with given index from getPatientRecord()

  4. Then it will go through all the items in AppointmentList with the patientId of the patient that has been deleted

  5. Finally, it will call upon the Storage class’s savePatientList() function to save the updated patient list.

  6. Upon successfully deleting the Patient object from the patient list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showDeletePatientSuccess() function to display the success of deleting the patientfrom the patient list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for DeletePatientCommand class. ClearAllCommand Class

To clear both appointment list and patient list, the ClearAllCommand class is used. For this ClearAllCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, PatientList, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The ClearAllCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the ClearAllCommand class would call upon the PatientList and AppointmentList to clear all the items in both lists

  3. It will call upon the Storage class’s savePatientList() and saveAppointmentList()function to save the updated patient list and appointment list.

  4. Upon successfully clearing all the lists, it will call upon the Ui class’ showAllItemsDeleted() function to display the success of clearing all the items.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ClearAllCommand class. ClearAppointmentCommand Class

To clear appointment list, the ClearAppointmentCommand class is used. For this ClearAppointmentCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The ClearAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the ClearAppointmentCommand class would call upon the AppointmentList to clear the items in appointment list.

  3. It will call upon the Storage class’s saveAppointmentList()function to save the updated appointment list.

  4. Upon successfully clearing the list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showAppointmentsDeleted() function to display the success of clearing all the items in appointment list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ClearAppointmentCommand class. ClearPatientCommand Class

To clear patient list, the ClearPatientCommand class is used. For this ClearPatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, PatientList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The ClearPatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), the ClearPatientCommand class would call upon the PatientList to clear the items in patient list.

  3. It will call upon the Storage class’s savePatientList()function to save the updated patient list.

  4. Upon successfully clearing the list, it will call upon the Ui class’ showPatientsDeleted() function to display the success of clearing all the items in patient list.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ClearPatientCommand class. FindAppointmentCommand Class

To search the AppointmentList by keyword, the FindAppointmentCommand class is used. For this class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, AppointmentList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The FindAppointmentCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), it creates searchResults, a new List to hold Appointment objects.

  3. The FindAppointmentCommand class gets the existing list of Appointment objects from AppointmentList using the method getAppointmentList().

  4. After which, the FindAppointmentCommand object will iterate through Appointment objects within the list. According to the format of the input, this class searches specific fields: * if input was dd/mm/yyyy, it searches date fields of each Appointment only. * if input was hh:mm (am/pm), it searches time fields of each Appointment only.

  5. If an Appointment object does contain the search keyword, it will be added to searchResults.

  6. searchResults then invokes the ui method printAppointmentSearchResults() to print the matching Appointment results to the console. (if searchResults is non-empty). Otherwise, the method outputs a message saying no search results were found.

Below shows the sequence diagram for FindAppointmentCommand class. Design Considerations
Aspect: Format of Search Input FindPatientCommand Class

To search the PatientList by keyword, the FindPatientCommand class is used. For this class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, PatientList, Ui and the Storage class to interact with one another.

  1. The FindPatientCommand class is processed by Parser

  2. When the Main calls execute(Ui ui, Storage storage), it creates searchResults, a new List to hold Patient objects.

  3. The FindPatientCommand class gets the existing list of Patient objects from PatientList using the method getPatientList().

  4. After which, the FindPatientCommand object will iterate through Patient objects within the list. This class searches through every field in the Patient object for the search keyword.

  5. If a Patient object does contain the search keyword, it will be added to searchResults.

  6. searchResults then invokes the ui method printPatientSearchResults() to print the matching Patient results to the console. (if searchResults is non-empty). Otherwise, the method outputs a message saying no search results were found.

Below shows the sequence diagram for FindPatientCommand class. Design Considerations
Aspect: Format of Search Input HelpCommand Class

To see the help usage for the commands in HAMS, the HelpCommand class is used. For this HelpCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Ui class to interact. The purpose of the class is to print out the usage for all the commands in HAMS through showHelpUsage() in Ui.

Below shows the sequence diagram for HelpCommand class. ExitCommand Class

To print the bye message for HAMS, the HelpCommand class is used. For this ClearPatientCommand class, it serves as a facade class for the Main, Ui class to interact.

  1. The Main class will check whether isExit() is set to be true or not.

  2. Ui class’ showByeMessage() method is used to print the bye message for users.

Below shows the sequence diagram for ExitCommand class.

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2.2.5 Parser module

This section describes the implementation of Parser class, as well as the design considerations and rational behind the current implementation.

The main purpose of the Parser class is as below.

  1. To interpret user inputs so that the correct command can be executed
  2. Functions as the first line to sanitize user input

As such, the Parser class only has one publicly callable method and that returns the command object for execution. To assist the public method, Parser class has multiple private helper methods, as well as access to the Exception handler to ensure that the user input is formatted correctly. This way, purpose 1 and 2 is satisfied. Object creation and steps in input interpretation
  1. The Parser object is first created in Duke class and subsequently used until program termination.
  2. User input is received and handed over to Parser object for interpretation.
  3. In the Parser object, the type of command is first determined via helper method getCommand(userInput).
    • Example: addp \age 23 \name Justin, the addp command will be determined.
  4. The remaining fields will be recorded in a hashMap through either fillPatientFields(userInput) or fillAppointmentFields(userInput) depending on the command type in Step 3.
    • The type of category of the command can be determined based on the last alphabet of the first word.
    • The command addp has the last alphabet is p, fillPatientFields() will be called. Likewise, if it ise adda, it will be fillAppointmentFields().
    • Example: addp \name Sam \age 18, the method fillPatientFields(userInput) will be called. The hashMap will contain age -> 23, name -> Sam.
  5. At the end of the execution, a reference to the command object will be returned.

Sequence Diagram when parseCommand(userInput) is initially called

The userInput is first captured and then passed into parseCommand(userInput) method. As seen in the Sequence Diagram above, different appointment will result in different alternate paths taken.

Below is the list of commands available as of v2.1. You can find their individual Sequence Diagram in the following sections below.

We decided to categorize clearp, cleara, clearall, help and exit, in the [else] alt branch. This is because these 4 commands do not require any additional parsing. As such, the default [else] will be executed for these commands. You can find the Sequence diagram for default [else] here.

Sequence Diagram for addp

When you provide an addp command, an internal method, getPatientFieldAdd(userInput) is called. A HashMap will then be created.

We can update the HashMap by calling this method - fillPatientFields(userInput, HashMap). The HashMap based on the fields the user provide.

For example a valid user input: addp \name Justin \age 23. fillPatientFields(userInput, HashMap) will update the HashMap to contain these key value pairs.

Next, we will call DukeException#checkEmptyField() to ensure that there is at least 1 field provided that is not empty.

Finally, a hashMap will be returned so that the AddPatientCommand object can be created.

Sequence Diagram for editp

When you provide an editp command, an internal method, getPatientFieldEdit(userInput) is called. A HashMap will then be created.

We first get the index value from the userInput and check its value. If it is not valid, we will throw an error.

Supposed the index is valid, then we move on to filling the hashMap. The steps of filling the hashMap is similar to that of addp.

Sequence Diagram for deletep

When you provide an deletep command, an internal method, getPatientFieldDelete(userInput) is called. A HashMap will then be created.

We first get the index value from the userInput and check its value. If it is not valid, we will throw an error.

When the index is valid, we will add the index and its value into the HashMap.

This HashMap will then be returned so that a DeletePatientCommand object can be created.

Sequence Diagram for adda

When you provide an adda command, an internal method, getAppointmentFieldAdd(userInput) is called. A HashMap will then be created.

We can update the HashMap by calling this method - fillAppointmentFields(userInput, HashMap). The HashMap based on the fields the user provide.

For example a valid user input: adda \time 1234 \date 22/05/2020 \pid 1. fillAppointmentFields(userInput, HashMap) will update the HashMap to contain these key value pairs.

Next, we will call DukeException#checkEmptyField() to ensure that there is at least 1 field provided that is not empty. Then, we will call DukeException#checkPidEmpty() to ensure that the pid field is not empty. This is because pid is compulsory.

Finally, a hashMap will be returned so that the AddAppointmentCommand object can be created.

Sequence Diagram for edita

When you provide an edita command, an internal method, getAppointmentFieldEdit(userInput) is called. A HashMap will then be created.

We first get the index value from the userInput and check its value. If it is not valid, we will throw an error.

Supposed the index is valid, then we move on to filling the hashMap.

Next, we will call DukeException#checkEmptyField() to ensure that there is at least 1 field provided that is not empty.

Finally a hashMap will be returned so that the EditAppointmentCommand object can be created.

Sequence Diagram for deletea

When you provide a deletea command, an internal method, getAppointmentFieldDelete(userInput) is called. A HashMap will then be created.

We first get the index value from the userInput and check its value. If it is not valid, we will throw an error.

When the index is valid, we will add the index and its value into the HashMap.

This HashMap will then be returned so that a DeleteAppointmentCommand object can be created.

Sequence Diagram for findp

When you provide a findp command, an internal method, getSearchValue(userInput) is called. The sequence diagram for for this method is here. It will return the value to be searched.

When this search value, a FindPatientCommand will be created and a reference to it will be returned.

Sequence Diagram for finda

When you provide a finda command, an internal method, getSearchValue(userInput) is called. The sequence diagram for for this method is here. It will return the value to be searched.

When this search value, a FindAppointmentCommand will be created and a reference to it will be returned.

Sequence Diagram for default [else]

As explained above, the commands clearp, cleara, clearall, help and exit will be directed to this branch.

This is because they do not require any additional parsing.

In addition, unknown commands will be directed here as well.

Sequence Diagram for the creation of the command Object

Based on the different type of commands, different command object will be return.

For example, a adda command will return a addAppointmentCommandObject.

All unknown commands will be directed to the [else] branch, which will throw an DukeExceptions#unknownCommandException.

Sequence Diagram for get search value

The above Sequence Diagram depicts how the method searchValue(String[]) works. It takes in an array of String and finds

We first trim the userInput to get rid of any excess trailing whitespaces.

Then, the userInput is spilt on the first whitespace and store in a String array.

We can pass this String array into this method and find the value of the search value at index 1 of the String Array.

If the length of the String array is 1, this means that the user did not supply any search value. Thus the DukeExceptions#noFieldCommandException will be thrown.

If not, the search value will be located at index 1 and we will return this as the search value.

Sequence Diagram for calling an enum

Enum PatientFieldKeys AppointmentFieldKeys
Sequence Diagram for error checking when DukeExpcetion#checkFieldEmpty is called

If all fields are empty, this exception will be thrown

Sequence Diagram for error checking when DukeExpcetion#checkIndexValidity is called

If the index provided are invalid, this exception will be thrown.

Sequence Diagram for error checking when DukeException#checkPidEmpty is called

If the pid field is not provided, this exception will be thrown.

checkFieldEmpty checkIndexValidity checkPidEmpty
Based on the above enum table, checks that at least 1 field is provided.

Throws NoFieldCommandException if all fields are empty
Check that the index provided is valid.

If it is less than 0 or not an integer, throw InvalidIndex and IndexNotInteger respectively.
Check that pid is provided.

If no pid is provided, throw checkPidEmptyException. Design considerations
Aspect: Symbol for delimiter
Aspect: Symbol for delimiter

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3. User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new admin assistant see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 admin assistant add upcoming appointments set the patient’s future appointments
v1.0 admin assistant obtain upcoming appointments remind patients of their appointment
v1.0 admin assistant reschedule appointments help the patient change his appointment dates
v1.0 admin assistant add and delete patient’s address update the information in the system
v1.0 admin assistant add and delete telephone number contact the patient directly
v1.0 admin assistant have an interface easily update the patient’s personal information
v1.0 admin assistant register new patient’s medical information so that it can be stored and accessed whenever needed
v1.0 admin assistant save my data on shutdown continue my work the next day
v2.0 busy admin assistant immediately know if the patient is scheduled for today so I can process them better
v2.0 admin assistant be able to find a specific patient check their appointment details
v2.0 admin assistant clear my lists keep my list organized when the appointment is over

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4. Non-Functional Requirements

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5. Instructions for Manual Testing

5.1 Startup, shutdown and restart with saved list.

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the latest release from here
    2. Move the .jar to an empty folder
    3. Open Command Prompt
    4. In Command Prompt, change your current working directory to the folder containing the .jar using $ cd <Path of folder containing .jar>
    5. Run the .jar using $ java -jar hams-2.0.jar

    Expected: Shows a welcome screen for HAMS.

  2. Shutdown
    1. Run the .jar file
    2. Test case: exit

    Expected: Bye message is printed and program closes.

  3. Restart with saved list
    1. Run the .jar file
    2. Add some patients and appointments.
    3. Restart the program
    4. Test case: listp

    Expected: Previous saved list should be shown.

5.2 Adding a patient

  1. Successfully adding a patient (All fields)
    1. Run the .jar file.
    2. Test case: addp \name Justin \age 23 \address Pasir Ris \phone 91234567

    Expected: Success message is printed. To double check, type listp and ensure that the test case is inside.

  2. Successfully adding a patient (at least 1 field)
    1. Run the .jar file.
    2. Test case: addp \name Sam

    Expected: Success message is printed. HAMS accept addp as long as 1 field is present. To double check, type listp and ensure that the test case is inside.

  3. Unsuccessful add a patient (no fields provided)
    1. Run the .jar file.
    2. Test case: addp

    Expected: Error message is printed. To double check, type listp and ensure that the test case is not inside.

5.3 Editing a patient

  1. Successfully editing a patient
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. Multiple patients already in list.
    2. Test case: editp \index 1 \name Emma

    Expected: Success message is printed. To double check, type listp and compare the changes from the old list.

  2. Unsuccessfully editing a patient
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. Less than 100 patients already in list.
    2. Test case 1: editp \index 100 \name Emma
    3. Test case 2: editp \index 1 \name Emma \age -100
    4. Test case 3: editp \index 1 \name Emma \age String

    Expected: For all test cases, error message printed. No patients will be edited. To double check, type listp and compare the changes from the old list and ensure that the test cases are not being edited.

    • Test case 1 fails because the index is greater than the number of patients in the list
    • Test case 2 and 3 fails because the provided age is of wrong format.

    Note: For test case 1, please ensure that the given index is more than the current patients in the list

5.4 Delete a patient

  1. Successful deleting a patient
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. Multiple patients already in list.
    2. Test case: deletep \index 1

    Expected: First patient in the list is deleted.

  2. Unsuccessful deleting a non-existing patient
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. 10 patients in list.
    2. Test case: deletep \index 11

    Expected: Error message is printed. No patients will be delete. To double check, type listp and compare from the previous list that no patients is deleted from the list.

    Note: For this test case, please ensure that the given index is more than the current patients in the list

5.5 Add an appointment

  1. Successful Adding an appointment
    1. Run the .jar file.
    2. Test case: adda \pid 1 \time 1234 \date 22/05/2020

    Expected: Success message is printed. To double check, type lista and ensure that the test case is inside.

  2. Unsuccessful adding an appointment
    1. Run the .jar file.
    2. Test case 1: adda \time 1234 \date 22/05/2020
    3. Test case 2: adda \time 9999 \date 22/05/2020 \pid 1
    4. Test case 3: adda \time 1234 \date 31/02/2020 \pid 1

    Expected: Error message is printed for all 3 cases. To double check, type lista and ensure that the test case is not inside.

    • Test case 1 fails because pid is compulsory

    • Test case 2 and 3 fails because of invalid time and date respectively.

5.6 Edit an appointment

  1. Successfully editing an appointment
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using lista. Multiple appointments already in list.
    2. Test case: edita \index 1 \time 1234

    Expected: Success message is printed. To double check, type lista and compare the changes from the old list.

  2. Unsuccessfully editing an appointment
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using lista. Less than 100 appointments already in list.
    2. Test case 1: editp \index 100 \time 1234
    3. Test case 2: editp \index 1 \date 31/02/2020 \time 1234
    4. Test case 3: editp \index 1 \date 22/05/2020 \time 9999

    Expected: For all test cases, error message printed. No appointments will be edited. To double check, type lista and compare the changes from the old list and ensure that the test cases are not being edited.

    • Test case 1 fails because the index is greater than the number of appointments in the list
    • Test case 2 and 3 fails because the provided time and/or time is invalid.

    Note: For test case 1, please ensure that the given index is more than the current appointments in the list

5.7 Delete an appointment

  1. Successful deleting an appointment
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using listp. Multiple appointments already in list.
    2. Test case: deletea \index 1

    Expected: Success message is printed. First appointment in the list is deleted. To double check, type lista and compare the changes from the old list.

  2. Unsuccessful deleting a non-existing appointment
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using lista. 10 appointments in list.
    2. Test case: deletea \index 11

    Expected: Error message is printed. No appointments will be delete. To double check, type lista and compare from the previous list that no appointments is deleted from the list.

    Note: For this test case, please ensure that the given index is more than the current appointments in the list

5.8 Find patients and Find Appointment

  1. Successful finding patients
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. Multiple patients in the list. The value to be search is also inside the list.
    2. Test case: findp Justin

    Expected: Success message is printed, all matched patient records will be listed.

    Note: For this test case, please ensure that the search value already exist in the patient list.

  2. Unsuccessful finding patient
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. Multiple patients in the list. The value to be search is not inside the list.
    2. Test case: findp abc123123abc123

    Expected: Error message stating not records found will be printed.

    Note: For this test case, please ensure that the search value does not exist in the patient list.

  3. Successful finding appointments
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using lista. Multiple appointments in the list. The value to be search is also inside the list.
    2. Test case: finda 22/05/2020

    Expected: Success message is printed, all matched appointment records will be listed.

    Note: For this test case, please ensure that the search value already exist in the patient list.

  4. Unsuccessful finding appointments
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using lista. Multiple appointments in the list. The value to be search is not inside the list.
    2. Test case 1: finda 22/05/2025
    3. Test case 2: finda 2020/05/22

    Expected: Error message printed, no records should be shown.

    • Test case 1 fails because the date cannot be found in the appointment list.
    • Test case 2 fails because the provided date format is wrong.

5.9 Clear patient, clear appointment, clear all commands

  1. Successful clearing patient list
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. Multiple patients in the list.
    2. Test case: clearp

    Expected: Success message is printed, patient list cleared. To double check, type listp and ensure the list is empty.

  2. Unsuccessful clearing patient list
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients using listp. It must be a empty
    2. Test case: clearp

    Expected: Error message stating there is nothing to clear.

  3. Successful clearing appointment list
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using lista. Multiple appointments in the list.
    2. Test case: cleara

    Expected: Success message is printed, appointments list cleared. To double check, type lista and ensure the list is empty.

  4. Unsuccessful clearing appointment list
    1. Prerequisites: list all appointments using lista. It must be a empty
    2. Test case: cleara

    Expected: Error message stating there is nothing to clear.

  5. Successful clear all list
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients and appointments using listp and lista. Multiple records in both list.
    2. Test case: clearall

    Expected: Success message printed. Both list cleared. To double check, type listp and lista to to ensure that both lists are empty.

  6. Unsuccessful clearing of all list
    1. Prerequisites: list all patients and appointments using listp and lista. Both list must be empty
    2. Test case: clearall

    Expected: Error message printed stating that there is nothing to clear.

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